Woolston preschoool, Florence Road, Woolston, Southampton, SO19 9DB
Special Educational Needs and Disability Support
Woolston Preschool are a setting dedicated to being inclusive for all children and families.
Our team has 2 practitioners that are qualified Special Educational Needs and Disability Coordinators. Gemma who is Level 3 qualified and Hannah who is Level 3 qualified. This allows us to put our time and skills into every child that may need extra support to ensure they have a happy and successful journey with us.
If you have a child of preschool age with SEND needs and are worried about them starting at a setting please contact us for support or come into our setting for a visit to see if we are the right place for your child.
If you are worried about your child or feel you need any extra support we are always here to help and support you. Alternatively you can contact your health visitor or GP.
Useful Links...
Southamptons Local offer - Tells you all about what your local settings can offer for children with SEND - https://www.southampton.gov.uk/schools-learning/send-local-offer/parents-and-carers/
Southampon Parent Carer Forum - Support group run by parents of children with SEND. The forum welcomes anyone who lives in Southampton and who has a child with SEND, diagnosed or not, aged 0-25.
Southampton Family Hub - Find your local family hub. They provide -
Learning through play in our “come and play” sessions
Health advice from midwives, health visitors, other health professionals, and health clinics
Family support
Information and guidance on breast feeding, health and nutrition
Support for families with children with additional needs
Speech and language support
Advice and support for parents including dad’s groups and young parents
Training courses including parenting classes, ESOL, money management, healthy cooking and more
Information for parents on childcare, volunteering, training, and job opportunities
Quick and easy access to wider services
Basic bank vouchers