Woolston preschoool, Florence Road, Woolston, Southampton, SO19 9DB
About Us
Woolston Preschool
We are a small family orientated setting attached to Woolston Infant School site. This setting provides us with a great opportunity to use all of the wonderful equipment on Woolston infant school site. We also have a great surrounding within our local community, with great places for our children to explore. These include the woods, library, waterfront, pet shops and a supermarket.
As well as a great setting, Woolston preschool has a fantasic team with a high level and range of skills and abilities to ensure your child gets the best start in life. We as a team are passionate about providing every child with a high quality learning experience, providing them skills that continue to help them in later life.
We are an early years provision
We provide spaces for ages 2 - 4 years.
We accept 2 year funding & 30 hour funding as well as the 15 hours given to every child the term after they turn 3.
We are open Mon - Friday, term time only.
We offer a breakfast club - 8.00am - 8.30am
Our Morning session - 8.30am - 11.30am
Lunch Club - 11.30am - 12.00pm
Full day session - 8.30am - 2.30pm
Our teams
Our preschool teams are split into 2 groups
-Tadpoles for our 2 & 3 year olds
-Frog group for our 3 & 4 years olds that are going to school
This is for our group time activities and key worker groups, during free play all ages play together.
Preschool Fees
2 year olds
Morning Session - £20.00
Full Day - £38.00
Breakfast or Lunch club - £2.50
3 year olds
Morning Session - £18.00
Full Day - £35.00
Breakfast or Lunch club - £2.50
Download an application form - Click on the word document link
How to find us...
Woolston Preschool ,
Florence Road,
SO19 9DB